Due to the current lockdown and social distancing situation with the Coronavirus, Access Creative college UK approached us to develop specific live briefs for their students to engage with whilst studying from home. Performing music students, vocalists, artist development and music tech/production students are invited to create a remix or cover version in their own genre and style of the track “Strange Encounter” by renowned DnB producer Nu:Tone, signed to Hospital Records.

We have a second live brief for Creative Media students, to create a promotional advertisement, photo and video for the same track.

Registration closes on Friday 22nd May 2020, and the music and creative work takes place in June. Submission deadline is Saturday 20th June, with the winners being announced during the online Virtual Festival showcase for Access Creative at the end of June 2020.

We are running these virtual projects for Access Creative in association with Tracktion Software.



Access Creative Live Brief Registration: Deadline Friday 22nd May 2020

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