Terms and Conditions of entry

  1. Original artist must submit an original, unsigned and unpublished track.
  2. Should the original artist’s track be selected for the remix project we will seek to sign the original recording for commercial release subject to contract agreement
  3. Original artist must notify us of any un-cleared samples, sample free tracks are preferred.
  4. Original artist must have the stems of their chosen track available upon registration.
  5. The producer must use at least two of the stems provided in their remix.
  6. All entrants must be committed to the project for the duration.
  7. The original artist agrees for their original track to be remixed in the style of their partnered producer – please note this may not always be in a genre that the original artist would seek in other situations.
  8. The original artist & remixer agree for the remix to be released should their remix go through to the compilation album.
  9. All other more specific music, ownership and right related terms and conditions will be detailed in a document sent to all participants once registration has closed.
  10. The original artist who’s remix goes through to the album release will be offered (and expected to accept) a one-track record deal.
  11. Publishing opportunities will be offered on submitted tracks (original and remix).
  12. The original artist track will be signed and released digitally as part of the double album alongside the top ten remixes – please refer to the example contract (link below)
  13. The original artist and remix producer will split remix digital download release income and any publishing income 50:50 after label costs are recouped.
  14. The original artist/band must ensure they have agreement from their management if they are managed, our record label manager will then liaise with the artist/producer label/management should the remix track go into the album or for any publishing opportunities.
  15. Entrants for education phases must be 16+ years old. Entrants for any other phase of the project must be 18+ years old due to the linked events and licensing regulations.
  16. Winners of any Festival Performance Award must cover their own travel and expenses to accept the award. Artists/producers winning these awards will be notified in advance and asked to accept within a time-frame. If they are unable to attend the festival the award will be offered to a pre-selected runner up.

It is the intention of the project to provide additional platforms for both original artists and dance producers, and in no way is this a definite route into a full record contract, nor will any entrant be forced into one.

Please refer to our template single-track record contracts for artists and remix producers (click on either to download the document)  If your track is voted in the top-ten by our judging panel, your original and remix track will be released under these terms.  Please do not enter the project if you are not happy with these conditions, or contact us for more information.